Oct 20, 2011

Salton Sea in 2009

Before the North Shore Yacht Club had been renovated and reopened in 2010, my friend Dave and I explored the abandoned site in August of 2009.  Here are a few pictures I snapped of the Salton Sea and the North Shore from our brief stay in California.

Oct 19, 2011

Stream Media Reel

One of the last projects I had left on my plate from this summer was creating a reel for Stream Media - or Stream.  It's the production company that I first started working with straight out of film school and a place that I still edit for regularly.

Stream Media just finished redesigning and upgrading their website so this project was really the last piece of the puzzle.  For me it was a reminder of just how many projects I've been a part of and how our work has become even more diverse in the few short years that I've been there.  

It's what I've loved about working within a small team of very creative people, I've always felt like I was directly involved in the outcome of many of the projects I was fortunate to be a part of.  Working with clients like the Canadian Forces, Encana, the Medicine Hat College, the University of BC, Medalta Potteries, etc. continues to present a lot of unique challenges that ultimately improve my editing and approach.

This was a fun edit to do for a lot of reasons, but I think what I enjoyed most about it was that it's a clear signal that we're still moving forward, we're attracting bigger projects, and we're catering to more styles and venues than ever before.  It's a great job.

Oct 18, 2011

Impromptu Portaits

The power went out at work this morning, so I spent the time snapping pictures while playing with the light reflecting off of the glass in my office.  Turns out I'm no better than a cat fascinated by a laser pointer.