Jun 22, 2024

Exploring Amsterdam's Red Light District

Understandably, there's a lot from Amsterdam that isn't exactly "family friendly" or that won't get flagged online without a little censorship, but the city's Red Light District is undoubtedly an iconic and well-visited spot. I was keen to document the vibe of the area, but was well aware that it's against the rules to photograph sex workers in Amsterdam, and it's also not a theme park. 

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam's Red Light District oscillates broadly between the playful and depressing around each corner. The sex museums, peep shows, erotic cartoons, and party atmosphere is exciting and fun, but I won't pretend that some of it isn't sad or even a bit gross - especially if your expectations have been set by movies or pop culture. Amsterdam's Red Light District is a fascinating place though. Don't be afraid to visit it. Just be respectful.

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District


Jun 18, 2024

Best Documentary Winner: Your Cinema Needs You

After the official selection and subsequent nomination last month, I received some amazing news this week. Your Cinema Needs You has gone on to win Best Documentary at the 2024 Hong Kong Indie Film Festival in the feature-length category. 

Naturally, I'm so proud of what we've all been able to achieve with this movie, but it's also all icing on the cake at this point. A year ago I wasn't even sure if my premiere in the Monarch was going to be feasible. So, to now have all of these festival stories from the last 4 months, it's broadened the scope of this entire experience.

I've been very hesitant about recapping the film festival experience for Your Cinema Needs You so far, mostly because I'm still very much in the middle of it. But yes, aside from trying to not be too overbearing about it, it's been amazing to see this movie go to so many incredible places.

Most commonly, I've been asked why I think this film has been picked up at so many international festivals and resonated with so many 'seemingly' different audiences over these months. I think it's actually really simple. It's like if I had made a movie about video stores and released it in 2005. People are aware change is on the horizon, but it's not gone yet. There's this communal desire to save something, and everyone's wondering what this experience that the documentary is about might look like in just the next 10 years. 

The Monarch is currently a rare success story in a sea of downsizing, closures, and adaptation. That uncertainty has played into the emotional component of all of this and it's actually a feel good story. I think that positive twist has made all the difference.