Have you seen these A.I. generated images popping up on your feed this week too?
I took the bait and played around on Lensa A.I. this week. For those unfamiliar, it's a paid app where you upload 10-20 selfies and then its A.I. generates a series of images using your likeness. These aren't filters on existing images, they are all part of a batch that is generated randomly with A.I. based only on images of your face.
It's not without glitches and errors, but the technology is pretty incredible - not least of which, because sometimes it turned me into an action-hero Ken doll. While the topic of A.I. imagery and artwork hits close to home in terms of content creation, I can't help but feel this is transformative tech we're going to have to learn about and monitor.What are your thoughts? Have you tried it? Here are some of my results.