The project was always intended to be a distraction and creative escape while travel restrictions kept me in one spot. What I never expected was the unprecedented reach that would come from these casual daily updates on the Editing Luke Facebook page. Just to give you an idea, the organic reach of the project had already surpassed one million back in July. Never underestimate the power of a cool abandoned spot, a cinematic prairiescape, or an epic sunset.
While I won't say the series is completely over, I am taking a more relaxed pace heading into the fall as I figure out what the rest of the year might look like.
In addition to the numerous prints that came out over the last few months, I've released this summer 2020 collage to feature some of the series highlights. Feel free to inquire if you're interested in purchasing one.
While this project undoubtedly snowballed from what I originally imagined, it's rewarding to reflect on how productive this downtime ended up being. As a reminder - this is where this started.
If there's one thing we can say about 2020 - we're going to have stories.