Jul 7, 2017

Pasadena City Hall

Completed in 1927, the Pasadena City Hall in Pasadena, California is a stunning piece of architecture. From its impressive dome to its ornately manicured courtyard, this impressive landmark is part of Pasadena's Civic Center District. In 1980 this entire district, including the Pasadena City Hall, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Pasadena City Hall California
This location has long been popular with filmmakers, however there are two notable examples where the Pasadena City Hall stands out in my mind. One is where it featured prominently as a backdrop in Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator (1940) and the other is as the City Hall of Pawnee, Indiana in NBC's Parks and Recreation. Given how beautiful the building is, it's easy to see why it's still such a popular location. 

Pasadena City Hall Pawnee Indiana

Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Pawnee City Hall Pasadena
Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California
Pasadena City Hall California
Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Pasadena City Hall California

Jul 2, 2017

Canada Day 150 in Medicine Hat, Alberta

Celebrations for Canada's 150th made the Canada Day routine more lively and noteworthy across the country and in my hometown of Medicine Hat, Alberta this year. From the afternoon crowds in Kin Coulee Park to the evening crowds on the surrounding hills for the Canada Day fireworks, there was an undeniable energy in the air because of the Canada 150 milestone. Here are a few visual highlights I captured and shared throughout the day to mark this special occasion.

Canada Day Fireworks Medicine Hat Alberta 150

Canada Day Fireworks Medicine Hat Alberta 150

A post shared by Luke Fandrich (@editingluke) on

Jun 30, 2017

Medicine Hat, Alberta Sunrise Series: Part 1

Shades of orange, gold, yellow, and blue unify this series of early morning summer sunrises captured over Medicine Hat, Alberta. You can thank a crazy workload for the late nights and early mornings that initially kick-started this series. Had I not been editing I never would've been awake at 5 a.m. to capture some of these beautiful scenes on my impromptu walks and morning runs.

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise
Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise
I began sharing the first images from the "sunrise series" on the Editing Luke facebook page a couple weeks ago and was surprised as their popularity exploded. Yesterday one of my sunrise images was even featured on Travel Alberta's Instagram (see below). It's kind of amazing to see the series take off because the whole thing has been pretty sporadic and spur of the moment. On top of that, my approach has been pretty casual as every single one of these images was shot with my cell phone. What's not to like about a pretty sky though, right?  

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise
Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise
Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise
Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise
Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise

Medicine Hat Alberta Sunrise