Nov 27, 2016

Demolition of Redcliff Pressed Brick Co.

After standing for over a century, on Friday the abandoned Redcliff Pressed Brick Co. / I-XL factory in Redcliff, Alberta was brought down. Having photographed much of the historic clay district in and around the Medicine Hat area, I know a lot of people share my interest in these unique structures, kilns, and abandoned spaces in general. I echo a lot of similar sentiments in that it is sad to see a familiar landmark like this go.

redcliff ixl brick factory demolitionThe site is set to become a historical park using bricks from the demolition in its construction. In recent years the kilns and smokestacks had become increasingly unstable and there were practical concerns that they would collapse. With nearby sites like Medalta Potteries and the protected I-XL Brick Factory in Medicine Hat, it's understandable that there were a lot of challenges and costs involved in trying to preserve this crumbling factory as it was. Reinventing the site as a park seems like the next best thing. 

I photographed the Redcliff Pressed Brick Co. at the end of 2012 and was invited to document the interior in 2014. It's amazing that after only a few years another collection of images from my Around the Hat series have become archival. Here's a look at the former Redcliff Pressed Brick Company following its recent demolition. 

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition
Redcliff Brick Factory in December 2012.
redcliff ixl brick factory demolition

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition
The site following demolition in November 2016.

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition
redcliff ixl brick factory demolition

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition
Redcliff Brick Factory in December 2012.

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition
redcliff ixl brick factory demolition

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition
Redcliff Brick Factory in December 2012.
redcliff ixl brick factory demolition

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition

redcliff ixl brick factory demolition

Nov 25, 2016

Fort Columbia: Coastal Defense Batteries

Constructed between 1896 to 1904, Fort Columbia along the Washington coast was built to support the defense of the Columbia River. Following World War II, Fort Columbia was declared surplus and became a state park when it was transferred over in 1950. Today, the abandoned batteries remain along with a handful of historic wooden buildings throughout the site.

fort columbia state park battery washington coastBattery 246, the largest at Fort Columbia, began construction in 1942 but was never fully completed due to the end of WWII. It's a fascinating place to explore and wander through the old corridors. On a previous trip through the Pacific Northwest I also photographed Battery Harvey Allen at the nearby Fort Canby.  

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast
fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast
fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast
fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast
fort columbia state park battery washington coast
fort columbia state park battery washington coast
fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast

fort columbia state park battery washington coast