Last weekend I did a bit of wandering around downtown Medicine Hat with my camera at Spectrum. I listened to a few of the live bands perform, grabbed myself a churro, and spent the majority of my time checking out the vintage cars along 2nd street. Here are some the pictures I snapped.
In the chaos of numerous projects on the go at the moment, it was by accident that I rediscovered a half finished letter that I had written a few years ago. My intention after leaving film school in 2008 was to make a bit of money before pursuing film and video in a bigger market by 2010. However, by then I had carved out a pretty nice situation for myself here in Medicine Hat. With lots of creative projects keeping me energized, ultimately I decided to stay.
This letter I found was the beginning of a thank you that I intended to give to Barb and Julie, the owners of Stream Media. They gave me my first job out of film school as a junior editor and videographer, and most importantly, they gave me a crash course in the operations and demands of being involved in a small production company. Fresh out of school, it was the best thing that could have happened to me.
A lot has changed since I scribbled out my rough thank you letter, but I thought I'd give it another go now. With the Stream office closing last year, and the business taking a more casual approach for the time being, it's hard to say what my involvement may be like moving forward. It's kind of what makes this feel like the right time to get these thoughts out. So here it goes.
Barb and Julie,
Thank you. For as often as we've joked around, shared stories, caught each other up on what everyone was watching, or what clever ideas we were inspired by, I'm not sure that I've said thank you enough times for the experiences you've given me while working at Stream Media.
I remember my interview with you both. I remember how much you pushed to get me hired, Julie. I remember how you were the one I had to win over, Barb. It was the start of a new chapter for all of us, and when things kicked off that summer in 2008, I can't tell you how proud I was to be a part of the team.
I loved that only a week after being hired you gave me the opportunity to shoot aerial photography from a helicopter. I loved that you handed me footage from the college and let me show you what I could do with it. I loved that there was no delay in letting me shoot for you, edit for you, and brainstorm about concepts. Really, I loved that you were both willing to take creative risks, and at the end of the day, that it was always about making something that we could all be proud of - even if the project was basic.
The things I learnt from both of you in my first year became tremendous building blocks that really allowed me to grow creatively. I continued to gain more confidence as you gave me the freedom to make mistakes, experiment, and bring ideas to the table. In general, the work I did with both of you made me a stronger filmmaker, editor, and photographer.
In addition to this, I feel like the support you showed me came at a time when I really needed someone to give me a chance. You were both influential in nurturing my style, while also offering constructive advice to help me improve. When I look back at 2008, I can't help but think about what a diverse amount of work we did and the unique experiences that I had behind the camera and in the edit suite in a matter of months. It was the education I wished I would've received more of in film school. In retrospect, the only upset is that it didn't last longer.
So, let this message be a reminder and formal declaration of just how much I appreciate you guys and what you did for me. You're both amazing in my books, and I hope the final chapter hasn't been written on our time working and collaborating together. You know where to reach me. Stay awesome.
All my best,
The final part of my exploration of the abandoned Towne Theatre was to head up to the two small upstairs cinemas. These two rooms were actually in pretty nice shape, and were the one part of the building that didn't look much different than I remembered them. The seats were redone only a year or two before the theatre closed, so without much use they still looked relatively new. Even the light strips on the stairs still worked.

Further back in the building the main office of theatre was now empty. Just a few random stickers and magnets from several decades of movies were left covering the filing cabinet drawers. What better way to end a tour of an old movie theatre than with a nostalgia kick? I'm glad I had the chance to see it all up close again and document it to share with you.