May 6, 2012

St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church

Clearly one of the most dramatic buildings in all of Medicine Hat, St. Patrick's Church is quick to capture the attention of newcomers. Constructed between 1912-1914 the structure is symbolic of the economic boom that the community was going through at the time. With 170 ft. gothic towers, rose windows, and buttresses, the church drew its inspiration from the medieval cathedrals in Europe.

I shot these images in early spring as the trees were just starting to bud (and have since added additional photographs in November 2012). Located just across the river from downtown, it was an experience to actually stop and explore a site that had otherwise become a bit familiar. I've since had my appreciation renewed for this National Historic Site of Canada. As you can see, this really is quite an incredible structure. See the interior here.

St. Patrick's Church ca. 1940

Ghosting image showing my 2012 shot merged with an archival one.