Mar 25, 2011

Alcatraz Island: Part Two

Nearing the end of our road trip, Dave and I drove north from San Bruno and into the heart of downtown San Francisco to make our way to Pier 33.  Although I've already shared some images from our time on Alcatraz Island, the experience was so memorable that I thought it wouldn't hurt to pull out a few more.     

Mar 24, 2011

Talking Pictures by Ransom Riggs

The more video blogs I see, the more I'm tempted to create my own version or style.  Ransom Riggs shares his passion for collecting photographs in Talking Pictures, and it got me thinking about how I could turn my own experiences into little video diaries like this.  It's not just someone talking to a camera (not that I have anything against that) but it feels more cinematic, more about the story than the storyteller.  I found his collection and style really compelling. 

Mar 23, 2011

Bottle by Kristen Lepore

This video was recently shared with me and I had to post it. As an avid fan of animation and short films, this was such a touching and well executed concept that it immediately made me more anxious to get out and shoot some new work of my own this summer.  Bottle speaks for itself without even a stitch of dialogue.  Well done, Kristen Lepore!