Jan 20, 2011

Chimney Rock, Nebraska

Featured prominently on the state sign and state quarter of Nebraska, Chimney Rock was one of those places I learnt about as a kid because of the Oregon Trail video game. If your school also had the floppy disk version of the game then I'm not alone in this discovery. Chimney Rock was a geological marker for the rougher trails ahead.

chimney rock nebraska oregon trail

On our Mount Rushmore road trip in 2007, my friend Andrea and I headed further south to try and reach the Colorado border. The day was all about exploring. We set out to drive across Nebraska and see what we could find. Not surprisingly, there were a lot of wide open spaces, small towns, and the occasional cornfield. 

Chimney Rock was a scenic spot to stop and wander. There we found markers for the Oregon Trail and Pony Express. All and all it was actually a really nice drive, and the kind of outing that was less about the destination and more about the journey.

chimney rock nebraska oregon trail

chimney rock nebraska oregon trail

chimney rock nebraska oregon trail

chimney rock nebraska oregon trail
chimney rock nebraska oregon trail

oregon trail chimney rock video game
Chimney Rock in the classic Oregon Trail game.
chimney rock nebraska oregon trail

chimney rock nebraska oregon trail

pony express chimney rock nebraska

chimney rock nebraska oregon trail

Jan 18, 2011

Winter Semester

Although I'm no longer in film school, the routine and doldrums of January echo with the same bleakness that I came to despise every year with the university winter semester.  Take note that I was going to school in Saskatchewan, Canada and that as far as Canadian winters are concerned, this province is one of the top contenders for long, drawn-out deep freezes.  

I've since moved back to Alberta, where throughout the season warm winds come down off the Rocky Mountains (known as Chinooks) and melt the snow.  Well it seems these have been incredibly short lived this year as we've had snow on the ground since the first major snowfall in November.  Again, bleak.

The winter semester, like the New Year, always kicked off with excitement.  You have plans for the year, you reminisce, you get to check out all these new classes, but a week later the novelty has worn off and you realize that spring is what you're really excited about.

Call it cabin fever, seasonal affective disorder, or whatever, it's all tough to deal with in long stretches.

What I recall about my winter semesters in the dorms was that these feelings were amplified.  Small space, no where to go, and trying to be inspired within a film program during one of the most uninspiring times of year.  Seems like the irritation hasn't worn off even now that I'm making money and doing what I like.  

I think I just needed to rant. Spring can't come soon enough!  

Campus snow art seen from my dorm - the one bright spot in a sea of cold.

Jan 14, 2011

Sunset Beach, California

From Long Beach we continued south and stopped to explore Sunset Beach. Dave had mentioned earlier in the road trip that he had wanted to collect some rocks or shells from a California beach. It was the middle of the week so the beach was almost empty, but this proved to be just a primer to all of the incredible beaches we'd see and explore as we headed north up the Pacific Coast Highway in just a couple of days.