Jun 12, 2008

Artistic Shunning?

So why is it that if you're a creative person you're not supposed to enjoy the mainstream? This debate has been ongoing since my early university days, and I still don't understand this artistic shunning by artistic types. I mean it's one thing if you have no cultural perspective of what's out there, that's just being ignorant or clueless, but if you are aware of popular culture and then decide to hate it simply because it's popular culture . . . what? why do that?

What inpsired this discussion today was a visit to my facebook site where I found myself comparing my movie ratings on flickster to other people I knew. For the most part there were subtle variations in ratings (obviously we can't all like the same things) but then there were a select few people, other film types, who liked almost no popular films!

Okay, so to each his own, but are these people being honest or just trying to make a statement? 'You can't possibly hate all those movies' I thought, the only common factor when you rate all the movies listed badly is that they're considered popular. Why should that be such a turn off? Personally, my own critical view of film has always been from the glass half full camp. I generally love most movies, indies to blockbusters, foriegn to student, romance to action, I watch and own the spectrum. It seems wise to me, especially if you're in a creative field to try and educate yourself by seeing what people are putting out there. Especially when it comes to things that lots of other people are paying to experience.

It is true that some films are over produced products to be consumed, but generally, there's still something to be appreciated in these films. Let's look at this from a musical perspective. The Beatles were huge, the mainstream, the pulse of the 1960's, and at the same time were injecting brilliant writing, composition and style into the culture. If you were to disregard their impact, you wouldn't just be disregarding what the Beatles were, you'd be disregarding a culture of influence that has spanned decades and inspired countless other musicians. In the same light, to disregard big budget films (in some respects) is to disregard the advancement of the industry and the climax of what artists are feeding off of today.

This isn't about being brainwashed and not thinking for yourself, it's about enjoying the things that are so easily available to be enjoyed. The one argument that drives me crazy is other filmmakers saying they haven't seen and won't see Titanic. Now put aside any ill-will you may hold yourself and consider this. If you were working to become a better filmmaker and someone said they had the highest grossing film in all of cinematic history for you to watch, wouldn't you be the least bit curious to see why it did so well? It's not a matter of being forced to like it, it's a matter of being open enough to say that it's in my best interest to absorb as much of what others create to make me more aware of my own contributions. And, with something as big, as successful and as rare as a film like Titanic, who are you really proving things to by not seeing it. You're only putting yourself more out of the loop. Some movies are just a right of passage, I mean who wouldn't want to see Star Wars just for the sake of seeing the inspiration for all the parodies?

I really don't get some people, but I guess we all do what suites are own personalities. I think I'm taking more of the American Beauty (1999) approach, "there's just so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life".

There's just so much creativity to appreciate, I don't see the justice in denying anything simply because other people like it . . . be it one person or a million. Wise up artsy folk! For the rest of us, let's get back to enjoying :)

Jun 9, 2008

Mean Mr. Mustard is Homeless

A character study I made in 2003 with my friend Ward. This was one of my very first projects in film school, originally justed titled Homeless. I guess I was going through my mustard phase.

Jun 7, 2008

Youngcuts Submission 2008

For the last few years I've been entering my work in the Youngcuts International Film Festival. It's for filmmakers 25 and under, and in the 3 times I've entered I've only been accepted once. That's actually about average as far as festivals have gone for me. To be honest, this festival in particular has always been a last minute, end of the semester push to get something sent away before their deadline. That, once again, was the way it happened when I entered my film Give it Time.

You may remember seeing the original film when i was taking part in the Sasktel competition Cell-ebrities earlier this year, but because I had 2 films in that contest and put all my energy into my entry the Gizmo Tree I felt like I had a film that I hadn't really used to its potential. So, I took the original version of Give it Time and added a few sound effects, spruced up the text and titles, and added a background score to freshen up the project before sending it off.

It'll probably be awhile before I hear whether or not my entry made it into the 'shorts' category that I entered it in, but in the meantime I thought I could share the revamped version with you. Enjoy!