Dec 1, 2007

Sirens of Treasure Island

This is another new edit I put together from my 2005 Las Vegas footage. Sirens of TI is the free live show that they put on out of front of the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino. You've probably seen bits and pieces of it, it seems to be as common as the volcano in front of the Mirage. In any case, I wanted to share a bit of the show. It's cool to see, but it might actually be better as a highlight reel without the lame dialogue.

Nov 28, 2007

I Need Your Vote!!

Hey Folks!! I've entered a video contest here in Saskatchewan called Cell-ebrities that's being put on by the provincial phone company (Sasktel). All you had to do was make a video that had something to do with cell phones and then upload it to their site for a chance (after judging and public votes) to win a grand prize of $5,000. I've made a video called Give It Time, and now i need your votes to help it get noticed.

Being a post-secondary student I could use the money for another semester, and considering that I'm a film major this contest seemed like a fun assignment to take part in regardless. This stage in the competition is just about sharing your work and creating buzz for yourself to be selected as a finalist. The contest officially wraps at the end of December, at which time finalists will be chosen.

Still, your votes at this stage could help my film get recognized and give me a better chance at making the next round. You can cast a vote once every 24hrs.


My friend Tyler also has uploaded a video called 'GILLIGAN' so i encourage you to check out and vote for his film as well. To see it click here: