Showing posts with label University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label University. Show all posts

Sep 1, 2024

A Film School Reunion in Saskatchewan

This last week I was soaking up the nostalgia on a film school reunion tour around Saskatchewan with some of my closest friends. While we've all been back over the years, I don't think we've all been back at the same time since we were actually students.

With so many of us living out of province now, this Saskatchewan trip became the perfect excuse for us to all travel back to Saskatoon and Regina to hangout, reminisce, and go back to some of our old stomping grounds. I can't quite remember the last time I've consumed this much beer in a single week lol.

University of Regina Film School

Amazingly everything always seems to fall back into place when revisiting old friends. The trip coincidentally lined up with move-in week at the University of Regina, which immediately triggered so many great memories of my years living in the dorms there.

If there was any more glaring reminder of just how much has changed since my days as a film student, my feature-length documentary was also playing at the 2024 Regina International Film Festival just days before I made it back. With the trip finalized long before I even knew the doc would pick up the 'official selection' here, it was another serendipitous bit of timing.

These moments always seem too few and far between, but what a great week. I'm glad we're still making memories all these years later.

Jun 22, 2022

Buick to the Future Turns 15

It was a summer of late nights, 80's flicks, and early online ambitions. It was a time when Buick still made sedans and a pun was enough to inspire a series. It is perhaps some of the most profound student film work I ever produced about a car that could reach, not 88, but 8 mph. 

Please raise a glass in honor of the 15th anniversary of "Buick to the Future" and the project that first drew visitors to a brand new, rinky-dink website called Editing Luke back in 2007.

This post is a feature from the Editing Luke instagram @editingluke.

Buick to the Future Student Films

Jan 10, 2022

Heritage Hall at SAIT in Calgary, Alberta

Built between 1921 to 1922, Heritage Hall at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary, Alberta is a prime example of Collegiate Gothic architecture and the province's early development and expansion in post-secondary education. Originally known as the Provincial Institute of Technology Building, the school was established to help retrain World War I veterans and provide specialized technical training for Alberta's growing industries. Today, Heritage Hall is the central structure on the SAIT campus and a National Historic Site of Canada.

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Heritage Hall SAIT Calgary Alberta

Sep 10, 2021

Remembering Dave: A Decade Later

I'm thinking about my friend Dave today, who we lost unexpectedly 10 years ago now. It really makes you wonder where the time has gone?

Dave and I met on our first day of film school at orientation and became fast friends. In addition to the countless uni stories and film projects that followed, it was in the two years before his death that we created some of our best memories. For two consecutive years each fall we road tripped cross country to end up in Southern California where we spent a lot of time getting lost in the desert (where this pic was snapped in Joshua Tree).

I still credit these early adventures for my continued road trip addiction to this day.

The thing about losing one of your best friends so young is that those formative years you spent together feel like a lifetime in themselves. The cruel thing is that as we grow up we're reminded of how much we've actually missed getting to share with them.

A lot of my memories of Dave are locked in time, but it's funny how his voice will still creep into an anecdote or how something insignificant will tap into a seemingly forgotten story every once and awhile. In my head we're still cracking jokes about each other lol.

It's a regular reminder to not take the small stuff for granted. To make as many memories as possible while you can. To surround yourself with people who make you laugh. 

All of that stays with you.

I miss you buddy.