Showing posts with label The Netherlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Netherlands. Show all posts

Jun 22, 2024

Exploring Amsterdam's Red Light District

Understandably, there's a lot from Amsterdam that isn't exactly "family friendly" or that won't get flagged online without a little censorship, but the city's Red Light District is undoubtedly an iconic and well-visited spot. I was keen to document the vibe of the area, but was well aware that it's against the rules to photograph sex workers in Amsterdam, and it's also not a theme park. 

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam's Red Light District oscillates broadly between the playful and depressing around each corner. The sex museums, peep shows, erotic cartoons, and party atmosphere is exciting and fun, but I won't pretend that some of it isn't sad or even a bit gross - especially if your expectations have been set by movies or pop culture. Amsterdam's Red Light District is a fascinating place though. Don't be afraid to visit it. Just be respectful.

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District


Nov 14, 2022

Bloemenmarkt Floating Flower Market in Amsterdam

Located along the Singel canal in Amsterdam, the floating flower market (known locally as the Bloemenmarkt) is a popular spot to purchase seeds, bulbs, and numerous other varieties of flowers. Holland is known for tulips, and you'll find plenty of real and fake varieties available for sale here along with countless, iconically Dutch souvenirs. 

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market Amsterdam


Oct 1, 2022

A Month of Travel Shoots Across Europe

For the month of September I was having the time of my life on what I can only describe as the most elaborate, continuous travel shoot I've completed to date. With shoots taking place across Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, and Scotland, there was no shortage of things to do, places to see, and experiences to capture. It was a wild month!

While content from these shoots won't really start to emerge until 2023, I did share a handful of highlights on the Editing Luke Instagram @editingluke as things were unfolding. Unlike most shoots were it feels relatively easy to sum up the adventure under a single banner or theme, I'm still reeling from just how varied and expansive this entire undertaking was. I'm going to need some time to be a bit more thought provoking - but, in short, it really was incredible.  

Europe Travel Photography

Sep 30, 2022

Unpacking a Suitcase of Travel Shoot Souvenirs

While the experience was undeniably incredible, I'm currently feeling a bit overstimulated and numb from this last month of travel shoots around Europe. It really was the adventure of a lifetime. A lot of this content won't surface until 2023 now, but I'm enjoying rediscovering all of the random bits and pieces I've brought home as I unpack and reorganize. 

Here are a few early highlights.

1. Kitschy French singles from a Parisian thrift shop.

2. Various pieces of the Berlin Wall.

3. A mini bar's worth of different Scotch from Scotland.

4. Belgian comicbook souvenirs - with an emphasis on finds from Tintin and Lucky Luke.

5. Retro inspired merch from Euro Disney's 30th anniversary - now known as Disneyland Paris.

6. A handcrafted "willy warmer" from Amsterdam ... for dressy occasions.

These were clearly all must haves in the moment lol.