On Friday the fine cut of my documentary was completed for a first preview - which means the project is now in the final stages of post-production. It will all be wrapped up by the end of August. I've left a few breadcrumbs online while production was ongoing, but otherwise I've been pretty secretive about what my new documentary is actually about ... until now!

My documentary is titled Clay, Creativity & the Comeback.
It's a story about abandoned industry, creative ingenuity, and the preservation of a community's heritage. Specifically, it's the story of how the industrial ruins and abandoned factories of Medicine Hat, Alberta's once booming clay industry were saved from demolition (beginning in the 1970's) to eventually become part of a vast, vibrant, and emerging cultural district that is now recognized as a National Historic Site of Canada.
The clay district in my hometown of Medicine Hat has captured my attention for years. I've shot thousands of images here, filmed various projects here, I've even had one of my designs showcased on vintage Hycroft China here. But mainly, I wanted to tell this story because I knew it hadn't really been documented in a significant way before - and frankly, the time to capture some of these oral histories was running out. How were these old factories saved, who was involved, why did they do it, why did it take decades to achieve?
The story was way bigger than I initially realized.

Stay tuned to Editing Luke for more details and where you can watch the finished project when it's released in the very near future. This original Editing Luke documentary was made possible by outside funding in Vancouver - more on that to be revealed soon too.
I can't wait to share this new project with you!
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