Nov 7, 2016

Lougheed House in Calgary, Alberta

lougheed house calgary albertaBuilt in 1891 by Senator James Alexander Lougheed, the Lougheed House is a historic sandstone mansion located in Calgary, Alberta's Beltline neighbourhood. This massive home was once the social and political hub for prominent Calgary residents in the early 20th century. Today, Lougheed House boasts a museum, event space, and restaurant, and is recognized as both a Provincial Historic Site and a National Historic Site of Canada.

lougheed house calgary alberta

lougheed house calgary alberta
lougheed house calgary alberta

lougheed house calgary alberta archival images
Loughheed House in Calgary, Alberta ca. 1912

lougheed house calgary alberta

lougheed house calgary alberta

lougheed house calgary alberta
lougheed house calgary alberta

lougheed house calgary alberta
lougheed house calgary alberta
lougheed house calgary alberta

lougheed house calgary alberta archival images
Loughheed House in Calgary, Alberta ca. 1914

lougheed house calgary alberta

lougheed house calgary alberta
lougheed house calgary alberta

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