Nov 29, 2015

Shambhala Music Festival: A Photo Series

Trying to document the visual explosion that is Shambhala is no easy task. This electronic music festival in British Columbia, Canada is a non-stop party with an incredible and infectious energy - one that I quickly found myself embracing. I was lucky to have a media pass to showcase this amazing experience and this 10 part photo series was the result. 

shambhala music festival photography tickets
After tens of thousands of views I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has followed along. It's been an absolute blast for me to recap this unforgettable experience! To wrap up this project I've put together a few of my highlights from Shambhala 2015 below. View the remainder of the series here. Take me home! 

shambhala music festival photography tickets

shambhala music festival photography tickets
shambhala music festival photography tickets

shambhala music festival photography tickets

shambhala music festival photography tickets

shambhala music festival photography tickets

shambhala music festival photography tickets

shambhala music festival photography tickets
shambhala music festival photography tickets

shambhala music festival photography tickets

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