Collaboration is a beautiful thing.
I must admit that in doing freelance videography as a solo artist, it’s fun and quite freeing. But like anything, it also has its constraints. I’m convinced that humanity’s best work is done in collaboration with different minds coming together, celebrating each other and working towards a common goal in creating something meaningful.

When I officially met Luke earlier in 2015, I knew right away that I wanted to create something together. This JazzFest video was a fantastic opportunity that enabled us to do that and upon conceptualization, I was excited as I believed Luke’s style would be a great fit for this video.
Very quickly, we saw how differently we each approach film making, with our own styles and structures. In all honesty, it was a blast to discover. The beauty is in the diversity, seeing what each other’s gifts are, and celebrating those, rather than ever being afraid of them and I’m grateful that I’m at a point in my life where I can recognize that.
With the mystery of doing something new, we met, we planned and before we knew it, we were filming in that sweltering summer sun.
The result of this collaboration is our two styles blended together for the first time.
This festival really is unique. You can just sense it. It’s intimate and interactive. It’s diverse, professional and creative. There’s so much passion wrapped up in it all. To me, that’s meaningful. And our goal here, is to create a series of videos that encompass these multiple different aspects of JazzFest and truly display how diverse it is while provoking interest in the viewer to get out and go experience it for yourself.
The goal of this particular video was to merge creativity and the artistic community. The interplay between the intimacy of LIVE music within a food and drink atmosphere. To give you a taste of what it might be like to experience it, whether you prefer coffee or beer, nachos or muffins or a combination of the two.
I really wanted to shoot this in a way that engages the viewer to, if possible, make you feel like you could be right there. We mostly shot hand held with plenty of close up shots, as it feels more intimate and gives off a more raw feel, helping the viewer therefore feel more connected to the moment. It was colour treated to feel warm and inviting, with a mix of some smooth shots which gives a nod to Jazz music.
One of my favourite shots is one of Luke’s where he filmed a silhouette of this little girl in a pink hat, dancing. She was the only one in the venue doing that, too - In a coffee shop of all places. It was a beautiful little moment. All these clips in different venues, with different styles of music make this amalgamation of something beautiful. Right here, right in this city in the heart of its unique downtown. I didn’t want anything posed or fabricated, I wanted to be like a fly on the wall and record what was naturally taking place around us.
I’m very much looking forward to creating more content with Luke that you can be sure will happen - content that’s going to help move this city forward, inspiring people, and contribute to higher achieved levels of excellence in the professional community while helping build the culture of something great. Something special. It may be a small town, but anything large started with a humble beginning.
I’m confident you’ll get the sense that there’s something special about this community. Something we have yet to see. And the content we get to create, will help us move towards it.
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