Pecha Kucha Night in Medicine Hat
Last Friday (May 23) I attended the latest Pecha Kucha event in Medicine Hat, hosted at the Royal Canadian Legion. Pecha Kucha (Japanese for chit-chat) is a presentation event where a speaker chooses 20 slides to show for 20 seconds each, and they accompany them with a story or interest that they want to share. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but I went to hear Jessie Andjelic speak about the Thinking Hat collaboration that I worked on with her and Philip Vandermey last year.

Overall, I found the event really interesting. Not only did Jessie nail her presentation on Thinking Hat, but others spoke on everything from military history to restoring old motorbikes to eating local. It's just an interesting way to hear a lot of cool ideas and stories in concise presentations - especially in a place like Medicine Hat, where Pecha Kucha is still pretty new (events have been held in over 700 cities around the globe). Check out the Medicine Hat Pecha Kucha facebook page, and be sure to get in touch with them if you'd like to speak. It makes for a fun night out!
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