Darwin is sleeping in a big boy bed now, so he has no trouble getting himself up in the morning. I was sleeping on the couch, when I awoke to Darwin trying to get my phone, followed by him falling asleep on the ottoman next to me.

I feel asleep again, but woke up shortly after to find that Darwin had moved into his chair and had finished my bowl of chips leftover from the night before.
Awake again and ready for a milk break, Darwin found his bottle and continued to whine until I filled it. Back on the couch he started to climb on me while I played on my phone. Every sip of his bottle ended with a pleased "MMMMMMM". I mimicked this once, so we continued this back and forth for the next 30 minutes, haha.
I got Darwin a Mega-Blocks dump truck for his 2nd birthday. We stacked things a bit and then it was out to the deck to re-enact some of the fun we had on my last visit and play with bubbles.
That afternoon, Wendy, Darwin and I headed to the park and went out for supper before I left. I had fun pushing Darwin on the swings for a bit, but this excitement was nothing compared to watching the way this kid eats. It seems a meal isn't complete until he's done some scientific testing or artwork with it. No doubt, it was another good visit.

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