Walking into the building still makes a grand impression (get a load of what it looked like back when it opened in the archival picture above). The space is amazing, and unlike a number of abandoned historic sites I've seen around Medicine Hat, much of the original details were still front and centre here.
The location today is in a rough state, but seems prepped for restoration. The original tin ceilings are stunning, and are still in remarkably good shape. Much of the woodwork has also been stripped of the layers of old paint, and the interior looks better for it. All around the main floor vintage movie posters were strung up, and while I'm not sure if this was for the city art walk or if it was something the owner did himself, it gave the location even more of a nostalgic vibe.

The back half of the second floor was stripped back to the bones. The third floor was equally sparse, but had the plaster ceiling intact. In the back of the building there were also stacks of some of the original floor boards. It's nice that someone had the foresight to recognize that someone might want to restore the place down the road. I also found the old Noodle House neon sign in the back, which somehow ended up there after being removed from the business a few doors down.
All in all, the Beveridge Block didn't disappoint. I shot enough images to share them in two posts, and I think many of you will agree that this is a pretty amazing space worthy of saving. Capturing it in its current state was something pretty special all the same.

Love looking at all these pictures ,thank you
Great photos. The noodle house sign was orginally Tops pizza if I recall correctly.
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