Evolution of a Rooftop
For those who don't know, I've used an image I shot of a rooftop in downtown Medicine Hat as the backdrop for my opening production credit, as a design element in various forms on this blog, and even on my business cards - since shooting the original photo in 2006. Recently I returned to the roof of the parkade downtown to shoot a new variation of the image only to discover what you can see in my comparison shot directly below. The middle building has been demolished!
I can't say I blame anyone for doing it, as it looked like it was about to collapse when I took the first picture. It brings a new level of infamy to my original however, now that it can no longer be recreated. The old air conditioner has also disappeared, and it doesn't make for quite the composition it used to. Since I was there already I decided to shoot a few new images of what, for me, has become a fairly meaningful place.
More pictures of the rooftop pre-demolition here.

Filmmaker Life
Medicine Hat
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