On route to Singapore, Stephanie and I arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport after a lengthy and disorienting flight from Vancouver. In between a few hours of sleep and trying to figure out what time it was back home, we couldn't tell if we wanted breakfast or supper, but ultimately settled for some local cuisine. Yes, Burger King.
Quatchi is a Sasquatch and was a mascot from the Vancouver Winter Olympics. As you might have guessed, he joined our trip in the Vancouver airport while we were killing time before our flight to Hong Kong.
From Calgary to Vancouver to Hong Kong, it was finally time for our final flight on to Singapore. The excitement started to build as we discussed what it was going to be like, what we were going to do, and how different everything already was. Then Quatchi snuck in a quick picture before we boarded our plane.
These days Quatchi is hanging out just above my computer, watching me edit random things. He still doesn't say much.
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