Feb 25, 2011

Inspired Singles: Lay Lady Lay

Issue 18: Lay Lady Lay by Magnet Feat. Gemma Hayes

Written and made popular by Bob Dylan, this cover of Lay Lady Lay by Magnet and Gemma Hayes was enough to encourage me to buy their entire album On Your Side.  What I love about the song in general is how it floats from chord to chord.  There's a relaxed groove about it, perfect for . . . well, you know.  

The cover really plays up the weight of the song while replacing Dylan's raspy style with a smooth and more ambient interpretation.  Don't get me wrong, I like both versions.  This one just doesn't remind me of my parents generation as much - given the subject matter that's a huge plus.

1 comment :

Sy said...

love your blog
from a fellow urban explorer