You've seen it everywhere and now for the first time it's on every Editing Luke post. If you're currently on the main page you won't see them, but if you've clicked any specific post title then right at the top you'll see the button. This is perfect for any one clicking a searched link, those who are followers to this blog, or who click through to a post from the LinkWithin or nRelate widget.
It's a simple and quick way to show your appreciation to help increase the popularity of a single post - and no worries about filling your like box on your Facebook profile, these 'likes' are specific to this blog. You'll just see an update in your news feed, but not in your actual 'like' box. So go ahead and thumbs up!
See the link for instructions on how to add this feature to your blog below. And don't forget to click the LIKE button for Editing Luke & Jeeves in the sidebar!
To add this feature to your own blog, click here for instructions.

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