The New Portfolio Design
At the beginning of this year I launched a brand new site, an official portfolio at - you can see what the original site looked like in my first sneak peek here. Things were off to a great start, page views surpassed 1500 without me even doing anything. Well, the limelight faded quickly. Last month, the same site barely made 200 page views.
The sudden drop off in interest is a mixed bag, because although the traffic is now just a trickle of what it was, those who have told me they viewed my site were actually people offering editing projects. This was always the intended purpose of, so I began to rethink my presentation and who I was really trying to impress.The main problem I realized was that I was trying to be too broad, when in reality I already had everything I needed. Editing Luke as a blog provides re-occurring content, news, updates, and various production related tidbits surrounding my work - Editing Luke the portfolio ( really just needed/needs to be a business card.

I was trying to do too much with a space that didn't really need it. I've now redesigned and simplified a large portion of my portfolio site to breathe some new life into it. There's a more cohesive theme that not only ties the site together, but also compliments what I've already established with this blog. The new look is far more streamlined and easier to navigate (excess title pages were removed) this makes sampling my work faster and more enjoyable.
Check out more of the new look for yourself here.

Filmmaker Life
Graphic Design
The Blog
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