Join me as I share some of my fav tunes in an effort to pay the inspiration forward.
Inspired Singles: Issue 05 by Luke Fandrich
United State of Pop 2009 by DJEarworm
This infectious mashup featuring the top pop songs of 2009 is already on its way to becoming a hugely successful hit in 2010. With an ingenious and original mix, DJEarworm has created a single that borrows many of the best hooks to come out of last years top music videos - which, if you check out the amazingly edited video (and not just the mp3) you'll further appreciate just how much work this must have been. This is without a doubt one of the best New Years/recap videos I've seen for '09.

My fav tune off their album, Veckatimest, Two Weeks is a nonchalant, ambient ditty motivated by crisp piano and haunting vocal accents. As complex as that may seem, the track is actually a lot of fun and captures that Indie Rock vibe that in a stereotypical sense makes it seem like this could've been featured in an iTunes commercial - hmmm, was it already?

Like entering a fog or dreaming of a distant memory, Fireweed is raw, open, and very mellow. The simple instrumentation builds towards the conclusion, yet the tune never loses its sense of awe and wonderment - a somewhat sad, melancholic piece, but with just the right undertone of uplifting echoes.

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