That said, I have to have an optimistic outlook for 2010 - for the new decade entirely - because the change on the calendar represents a clear mark between the high school, university, young adult prep of the 00's and the young adult life, full independence, and creative career pursuit and fulfilment I'm expecting to experience in the '10s or teens (whatever we call this new decade).
As the clock rolls over find yourself another excuse to create something, share something, and inspire someone - if the new year reminds us of anything, it's that our time is what we make of it. Here are a few of the things that made my 2009 memorable:
January 2009 - Energized with the start of 2009 I began working on a portfolio preview to summarize some of my experiences. This clip was revised several times throughout the year, but the goal of showcasing my potential remained the focus.
January 14, 2009 - After finding the footage from one of my old film school projects I created a new short, Quirks (or: the Blurbs Behind a Lost Film School Project) as a stereotypical look/flashback regarding the creation of a student movie.
January 30, 2009 - Weeks of work with Stream Media resulted in one of the most ambitious editing projects that I'd cut for them - a four part series of promotional videos for the University of British Columbia, created using a range of impressive footage from a variety of contributors.
February 2009 - In an effort to complete the portfolio aspect of my blog, February saw a number of my older projects uploaded, receive official posts, and worked into my evolving videography layout - this trend continued throughout the year and subsequently inspired more creative ways to share my work with new video sites, links with similar projects, and the development of a new portfolio site by the end of 2009.
March 31, 2009 - On a return trip to Regina for my 25th birthday (also the city where I went to University) I took the opportunity to revisit a bunch of the locations that I had shot previous projects and reflect on what my departure from film school nearly a year earlier meant.
May 6, 2009 - Using footage I had shot in 2008 I cut together a new experimental short titled, I Was Dead.
May 26, 2009 - My new short along with the promotion on my blog put me in touch with The Reel Skinny (a podcast and movie blog). Featuring up and coming independent filmmakers, I was interviewed by Patrick for his Off Screen podcast series - click here.
May 31, 2009 - Editing Luke celebrated 2 years and new promotional edits followed!
June 5, 2009 - In a surprise sequel to my 2008 short, Siblings, my sister and I had fun creating an impromptu followup - watch Siblings 2 (best to see part 1 first to get the punchline of part 2).

June 9, 2009 - I started a brand new job for a major website retailer as a copywriter and photographer. My editing work with Stream Media continued on a contract basis.
June 21, 2009 - After the conclusion of season 1 of the Yobi Film contest, I entered my short The Geology Student for season 2 and was voted into the semi-finals once again as a weekly winner - click here.
August 2, 2009 - My video views surpassed 250,000 - a quarter million!
August 24, 2009 - My friend Dave and I left on an incredible road trip to Indio, California from Alberta. In a single week we found ourselves walking around Salt Lake City, watching Beatles Love in Vegas, eating at the end of the Newport Pier by the Pacific, sitting by the pool in Indio, up a mountain in Palm Springs, and exploring the stretches of desert out around the Salton Sea. The project, due to how much footage was shot and my indecisiveness in editing it, has yet to be completed - but I assure you it will be. I also put together a photo book of the experience.
October 11, 2009 - I cut together a simple Editor Profile to highlight a few of my projects.
November 2009 - With increased pressure from 2 jobs, additional freelance work, and a new interest in refining my online presence, several new columns were created to make coming up with ideas easier. Intended to increase readership and encourage involvement, I've continued to search out others who are interested in contributing content to find interest on Editing Luke. This was also when the idea to establish a specific portfolio site came about, with Editing Luke becoming the blog element of that new venture.
December 12, 2009 - My brand new holiday short, We Two Kings debuted and attracted a lot of positive feedback (online views from alone surpassed 70,000).

December 15, 2009 - Editing Luke is revamped and streamlined with a fresh new design and a simplified layout to make the content easier to access. With the new portfolio site nearing completion and elements of that design ready to be integrated into this blog, this month has really marked the start of an entirely new approach to how I'll promote my work online - click here.
2009 Overview
My total blog views grew from 29000 in January to over 68000 by December.
My total video views grew from 118000 in January to over 330000 by December.
Traffic both to my blog and for my videos in 2009 was greater than that of 2007 and 2008 combined.
This year has really allowed for some major changes in the near future. With the launch of not only a new site, but a new online hub for all my work, and a move later in 2010 thanks to the money I've been able to save, it feels like big things are on the horizon. That 'student transition' I've mentioned so many times since this blog was established is finally fading and I can see the fresh start and next step up on the horizon.
Put simply, 2010 is going to be exciting!
Here is one of my blog promos I made earlier this year - although it should now read 'over 400 blog posts' and over '300000 video views'. Things are sure changing fast.
Congratulations on all of your success in 2009 Luke! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the new year, and if I ever do get around to writing something again, I'd love to collaborate with you in some capacity. Best of luck with your future endeavors!
Oh, and a small note to Dave. If you ever want to take me to California, I wouldn't put up too much of a fight. lol
Thanks Mike! I'd happily work on a project with you . . . I think there are a few of us waiting for your comeback :)
Haven't been here before, but LOVE the layout. Clean, easily navigated, and understandable.
If you're ever looking for some musical inspiration, swing by for a peek!
Best of luck in the new year!
Thanks YC! After several weeks of reorganizing and re-designing my blog your comment is too fitting! Thanks for stopping by.
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