Titled, Vegas Snapshots, this stylish little photo book is printed and produced to a professional standard through Blurb.com. Should you have any interest in ordering a softcover copy for yourself, your order is individually produced and shipped to your doorstep through this popular online company.
While it's certainly no excuse to quit my day job, I do make a small profit on each copy sold which goes directly towards my future projects (both video and photography). This is just the beginning of what could potentially become a larger aspect of Editing Luke. I enjoy sharing my photos and writing, and thanks to my new online bookstore through Blurb, there's the potential for me to create more original releases.
To preview this brand new photo book, click the tag below. I'd be happy just to have any of you check it out. Thanks for your interest!
Between this and your Indio book it seems you've really taken a liking to this book thing. You ever thought about doing one with some stills from your movies, or props or posters or something? Maybe even art from your blog?
It's certainly on my list to do an Editing Luke type book of some kind. It's something I don't want to rush though, and the final result would like be a mix of popular posts, photos from projects, and all new content regarding my take on film school and that kind of thing - it would probably be some kind of tongue and cheek guide regarding filmmaking.
Also, because the photo books are so expensive, it would probably be more of a novel type deal to make it as affordable as possible - I'd actually like people to check it out, y'know?
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