Nov 12, 2008

Mentor a Child

I was getting a kick checking out all the videos on failblog's channel last night, which features over a hundred videos of people failing in numerous ways. I came across these videos and laughed and laughed, but I was sent over the edge when I read the comment 'mentor a child' posted below the theme park kid video which I've shared here. I think there are a lot of lessons in these vids. Although they are time wasters. I spent nearly two hours watching people fail last night.

Mentor Fail

Speeding Ticket Fail

Extreme Makeover Fail

Cop Fail


Anonymous said...

That poor kid is gonna have that video pulled out at his wedding just like my cousin had his scream like a girl video pulled out at his wedding. It's always funny when it's not you.

Kittie said...

I love it ;-)

Anonymous said...

Very Funny! I love your site and visit it often : ) I think you should come up with a comedy movie of your own....

Anonymous said...

Great site, I found it via BlogRocket!

Unknown said...

Do you have a fever? hahaa