The first 3 episodes were all filmed in the summer of 2007, and as you'll see at the end of Part 3, it was pretty much assumed that we'd end the series there. At the end of February I put together a short trailer to promote the series and it had me thinking maybe it would be fun to make a 4th episode. Mostly I just wanted to combine what I liked about the other films into this final installment. Take the idea, the characters, and the buick, and refine the concept into one last ridiculous effort.
So with all that said, here is a chance to see what I'm talking about if you haven't visited my site before. Or, it's a chance to freshen up on the series before the last episode and the end of series. On April 1, 2008 Buick to the Future: The Conclusion (Part 4) will debut on this blog, so please check back to view it. I'll be able to see whether all this discussion and random promotion over the last few weeks has paid off at all.
If there was one episode of the series I'd want people to see, it'd be this one. Get ready folks! It's gonna be one mild ride! haha.
Buick to the Future: Series Trailer