Old Mission San Luis Rey de Francia
Located in Oceanside, California, San Luis Rey de Francia is a former Spanish mission that dates back to 1798. The current structure is the third church to be built on the site and was completed in 1815. Today the restored mission functions as a parish church, museum, and retreat center.

Exploring this old mission was like something out of a western. It was incredibly peaceful and the surroundings were beautiful. As I walked in a little old woman took me by the hand and started guiding me into the museum. She noticed me taking pictures and was happy to share stories about the artifacts. There were oranges growing on nearby trees and flowers blooming in the courtyard. It was another one of those amazing experiences where I felt fortunate to have such a unique space all to myself for an afternoon.
The mission was secularized in 1834, however on March 18, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln signed a document returning the mission to the Catholic church. This original document with Lincoln's signature is on display in the museum.
Roadside Attractions
Roadside California Series
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