Towne Theatre Interior: Upper Cinemas
The final part of my exploration of the abandoned Towne Theatre was to head up to the two small upstairs cinemas. These two rooms were actually in pretty nice shape, and were the one part of the building that didn't look much different than I remembered them. The seats were redone only a year or two before the theatre closed, so without much use they still looked relatively new. Even the light strips on the stairs still worked.

Further back in the building the main office of theatre was now empty. Just a few random stickers and magnets from several decades of movies were left covering the filing cabinet drawers. What better way to end a tour of an old movie theatre than with a nostalgia kick? I'm glad I had the chance to see it all up close again and document it to share with you.

Abandoned Places
Around the Hat Series
Filmmaker Life
Medicine Hat
Medicine Hat Photographer
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