Mar 30, 2012

Rain Over Rushmore

Our final day in South Dakota was filled with a rainy trip to the Cosmos Mystery Area and a visit to the Berlin Wall display in Rapid City, but what we really had in mind to do was visit Mount Rushmore one last time before leaving.  With heavy rain blanketing most of the Black Hills, it would prove to be a different experience than our first visit to the site.    
On the plus side, hardly anyone else was out exploring that day.  We arrived at Mount Rushmore and almost had the place entirely to ourselves.  Of course, once you looked up it was easy to see (or not see rather) why most people didn't bother.  A low lying fog was rolling through, and in only brief moments could the actual landmark be seen.  On one hand, I would've been disappointed if this had been our only visit, but on the other hand, because we got in a sunny visit earlier it was actually kind of cool to see the site in such a different context.

We made the most of our afternoon there and also spent some time in Keystone taking pictures with the various statues.  I posted a few that Andrea snapped of me below. Sometimes rainy days are a lot better than they're cracked up to be.


Wendy said...

Excellent post, Lukedude! I especially love your photos. The one of you marching is very funny.

Editing Luke said...

We'll have to do a group road trip with Darwin at some point, even just somewhere close. I'd like to stage some fun group shots together :)