What made this project stand out was that we each presented our films at the Sask Film Pool in downtown Regina at the aptly titled, Terrible Film Festival - a regular event each semester for those taking the avant-garde class. It was a pretty casual affair where some films played on a loop, others were screened traditionally, some in make shift tents, and some overlapping each other. The entire exercise was really about playing with film, not just from behind the camera, but actually working with it, splicing it, and in some cases, tearing it apart. I remember my friend Tyler actually tried burning a piece of his film and it sounded like cooking bacon when it played through the projector.
I kicked things off with my film on a loop, and a last minute decision to use a mirror to reflect the projection around the room. My entire idea really centred around 'X marks the spot' because I figured so many of the films would be just as busy and nonsensical as mine, but at least mine would have a red X throughout to give you some place to look. It kind of worked.
At the very least the evening was something out of the ordinary, and it created a more lasting memory for a project that would have otherwise just stayed packed away. Our professor, Gerald Saul captured highlights from the evening and gave each of us a DVD of our short films.
Looking back at it now, this was one of those stereotypically ideal film school situations that I'm glad we were forced to take part in. And I couldn't forget it if I wanted to, as that mirror I was using ended up broken in the back seat of Tyler's car and stayed there for my remaining few semesters in university. See my experimental film below.

Yay, memories! lol. By the way, I did eventually clean out the shards of MY broken mirror that I lent you. I dunno if took quiiiite 3 years tho.... hey, how about we do some off roading? Haha.
It was actually only a year and a half after this that i left and i'm pretty the glass was still there. After that i think glass in the backseat was the least of the luminas problems haha.
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